WHY become a member or subscribe to THE FLANEUR WAY?

  • Belong to a community from around the world of observers, explorers and creators.  Meeting people who share similar interests, skills and a state of being

  • Have opportunities to promote your work through on and off line galleries, exhibitions, events and publication. Receiving feedback, critiques from mentors, clients, the community both locally and worldwide. Expanding your engagement and audience.

  • Engage, learn and collaborate with fellow passionate people.

  • Opportunities to participate in creative assignments and make submissions for contests, events and exhibitions. Encouraging a creative routine and deepening your practice and commitment to your craft.

  • Receive news and updates on the latest blog, submissions, upcoming events and exhibitions. Sign up for classes both creatively, exploratory and observant.

  • View online galleries from artists of all genres and have the chance to make submissions to be a featured artist. As well belong to upcoming FLANEUR WAY projects that promote and support creativity and the arts. (which to be announced very soon) yes be curious and excited.

The flaneur way is like a creative process. It begins with an idea and slowly, step by step, moment by moment it gets fed, and nourished. Inspired by the others and the world around it, it starts to flourish and grow. Like a FLANEUR, it wanders, forward and backwards and finds its ebb and flow. Rising and falling like the breath, it expands and contracts and incubates its thoughts and creations in sanctuaries, until its ready to give birth…and when that day arrives…..it lets out a big sign of relief….and BEGINS AGAIN.