
What is an FLANEUR?

What is a flaneur and what is its role in our modern day life.  The traditional definition for a flaneur is one who strolls, explores and observes in an urban landscape without a destination.  A word that I found described the action I took while on the road.  At this moment in time it is evident that our lives are getting busier and more absorbed by modern technology. Becoming more distracted and less focus on what surrounds us on a given moment.  I can only feel that the importance to taking time out to be more attentive is necessary one.  That incorporating the role of a flaneur into one's life could only bring benefits.   



THE FLÂNEUR WAY is a platform, a state of being, a global community of like-minded souls of


can come together to engage, learn, discover, connect, and collaborate. Unifying a passion for creativity, well-being, and exploration with the central theme of observation of the daily aspects of life through our senses. Expressing and sharing our authentic individual and collective stories, visions & voices. To be seen, heard, and experienced beyond any barrier or border.

slow down and OBSERVE

Pause and OBSERVE what you are already a part of.

A flaneur is about being a witness. Slowing down, checking in, and observing the self, others, and everything that is around us. Tuning in with all your senses to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel the daily aspects of life. It is bringing awareness to the moments, as they unfold.  A flaneur does not skim the surface but is curious and inquisitive. Going deeper to unravel the many layers that exist inside and out and in between. It is about being open to perceiving life, which is made up of different perspectives, and angles. To take the focus from just “doing, to BEING.


WANDER with purpose and discover your world.

 It is about getting out there and exploring, wandering without limitations, boundaries, or a plan. Noticing the simple and small things from the spaces you encompass, the places you travel, and the people you cross paths with on a daily basis. It is not about second-guessing a moment by adding dialogue to it but living it for what it is. Choosing a direction and moving forward, and adapting and transforming as the journey continues. Fully engage in the direct experience and stay mindful. Exploring the inner and outer landscapes of who you are, where you came from, and where you might want to head.  


You are here for a reason. CREATE and EXPRESS what is within and is uniquely yours.

Notice that art resides in everything and everywhere. Realizing as an observer of this life, we are all artists.  We all have a way of creating, processing, and expressing what we see, hear, and feel. The flaneur way is about awakening the artist within by inspiring and nourishing creativity that already exists. As well as be a space for artists to come and find resources to engage deeper into their practice.  It is not waiting for inspiration to arrive or the right moment but engaging in the flow that you find yourself in. The flaneur way is about letting your authentic voice be heard, your unique vision expressed and your story shared.